Thursday, November 28, 2019

Three Roads To One Hero Essays - Beowulf, Grendel, Epic Of Gilgamesh

Three Roads To One Hero Throughout the two epics, Beowulf, and Gilgamesh, and the novel Grendel, we see certain heroic characteristics of the main characters. Although Beowulf, Grendel, and Gilgamesh all come to a heroic end, they differ in way in which they came to that end. In Beowulf we read of a great warrior who cares about nothing but honor and his people. In Gilgamesh, we see a man who comes to a realization of his mortality, and then does all he can to overcome that "weakness." Finally, in Grendel, we see a "monster" that was born in a cruel world, and comes to a cruel ending. Throughout the epic poem of Beowulf, we not only read of the heroism of Beowulf himself, but the guile of the antagonist, Grendel. By the fifth chapter, Beowulf is showing a characteristic that was vital to a Greek hero. He is boasting of his accomplishments. He tells of how he once fought a serpent in the open ocean. This might not seem to heroic, but you must attempt to become an archeological reader to begin fully understanding why this is so heroic. During the fist century of this millenium, one of the many things that scared people, and continues to do so today, is the unknown. Beowulf braved the unknown on not only land, but also where man has never belonged. He braved the unknown in the ocean. Grendel throughout the poem is, however, shown in a different light. He is a monster. He is a descendant of the first murderer, Cain. He kills simply for sport. He relishes in the blood of mankind. He is a monster who knows no bounds. In Grendel however, the point of view of the reader has changed. We now read from the point of view of the "monster." We see how he has been born into a world where he understands next to nothing, and does not even have the comfort of a true mother. He can talk to no one, save for a dragon that sees everything, past, present and future, and he is alone in a world of humans. There is no place of refuge where he can escape the world of hate that he lives in. He is something that is unknown to humans, and is therefore unwanted, frightful, and must be either eliminated or banished form view. Although in both of the epics, one an English and the other a Mesopotamian, we read of heroic qualities of one main character, and through that main character the ideals of that culture as a whole, in Grendel, we read of an outcast, who is killed simply because he is an enigma to the people. This is where these three stories break down, in the way, not only in which they become "heroes," but the way in which the author accomplishes this feat. In both Beowulf and Gilgamesh, we read of people who are highly esteemed, and emulate everything that those respective cultures hold dear. In Grendel, we see the cynicism of the twentieth century, and we read of all the ways in which our society and culture has become incongruent with that which we say we hold dear. In Gilgamesh, we read of a man who is stronger than all that are in the land, and his adventures to prove that to the world. He is a symbol of everything that his country and culture regards as praiseworthy. Not only, though, is he a physically strong person, but he is also given the gift or blessing of being able to reason. He is a man of not only sound body, but also of a sound mind. In addition to knowing how great and powerful he himself is, Gilgamesh also knows when to stop (sometimes). When he is fighting Enkidu, he discovers that his foe is his equal. Therefore, he does not become over-prideful, and deny that someone could be as great as he himself is, but he makes one of the best decisions that can be made by man. He makes his enemy his friend. The greatest interpretation of these three stories comes not only in seeing how well they are congruent, but also how they begin to differ when you begin to dig deeper. Although both Beowulf and Gilgamesh agree upon the abstract things, such as honor, hope, pride, success, where they begin to differ is in the concrete details. Both Beowulf and Gilgamesh are prideful, and form today's perspective they may even seem over-prideful. Both

Monday, November 25, 2019

Validez en EE.UU. de matrimonio celebrado en otro país

Validez en EE.UU. de matrimonio celebrado en otro paà ­s Estados Unidos reconoce como vlidos los matrimonios celebrados en otros paà ­ses siempre y cuando cumplan todos los requisitos exigidos por la ley que aplica en el lugar de la boda. Esto aplica tanto a matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n como a la unià ³n entre dos personas del mismo sexo. Como consecuencia de este reconocimiento de la validez del matrimonio celebrado fuera de EE.UU. se derivan dos efectos. En primer lugar, si una persona que se casà ³ en otro paà ­s desea contraer un nuevo matrimonio deber ser viuda, anular su divorcio o proceder a divorciarse, lo cual puede hacer aà ºn cuando no tenga nacionalidad estadounidense y matrimonio se hubiera celebrado en otro paà ­s. En segundo lugar, por matrimonio como ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legal es posible emigrar a los Estados Unidos sacando una tarjeta de residencia conocida como green card si cumple con todos los requisitos que exige la ley migratoria. Puntos clave: validez en EE.UU. de matrimonio celebrado en otro paà ­s Si el matrimonio es vlido segà ºn la ley del paà ­s en el que se celebra, es vlido en EE.UU.Los oficiales consulares de EE.UU. no celebran matrimonios.El matrimonio con ciudadano o residente, por sà ­ mismo, no da derecho a emigrar a EE.UU.Para emigrar a EE.UU. por matrimonio, el ciudadano o residente debe pedir a su cà ³nyuge Respeto por las leyes locales que regulan el matrimonio Para que Inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos reconozca como vlido a un matrimonio celebrado en el extranjero, à ©ste debe ajustarse a la ley local del lugar en el que la pareja se casà ³. Hay que tener en cuenta que en algunos paà ­ses se exige a los dos novios tener la residencia allà ­ para poder casarse. Adems, si uno de los contrayentes es menor de edad se va a pedir algà ºn tipo de autorizacià ³n de los padres o tutores. Incluso en algunos paà ­ses se exigen determinados anlisis de sangre, requisito que hay que cumplir si es que asà ­ se pide legalmente. Ya que para que EE.UU. reconozca como matrimonio vlido que cumpla con las leyes locales, en el caso de parejas gays es imprescindible celebrar la boda en un estado o en un paà ­s donde es legal. Si no se hace asà ­, no tendr efectos migratorios. En otras palabras, el ciudadano o residente no podr pedir los papeles para su cà ³nyuge, porque EE.UU. considera que no estn casados legalmente. Problemas del matrimonio por poderes para Inmigracià ³n Si la intencià ³n es pedir la tarjeta de residencia permanente para el cà ³nyuge extranjero, se recomienda no casarse por poderes. Las leyes migratorias de EE.UU. exigen que el matrimonio se consume antes de aprobar cualquier peticià ³n por esta causa. Los matrimonios por poderes pueden crear la sospecha de que matrimonio no se ha consumado o que se trata de un matrimonio de conveniencia para sacar los papeles. Documentos  para casarse fuera de EE.UU. El ciudadano estadounidense que se casa en el extranjero deber probar quià ©n es mediante  una identificacià ³n con foto, generalmente el pasaporte americano vigente. Adems es normal que se pida documentacià ³n adicional, como copia de la partida o certificado de nacimiento. Si el contrayente ha estado casado previamente  deber presentar la sentencia del divorcio o la nulidad o el certificado de viudedad. Hay que tener en cuenta que posiblemente se pida que estos documentos sean traducidos al idioma del paà ­s en el que tendr lugar la ceremonia. Por otra parte una vez celebrado el matrimonio fuera de los Estados Unidos ser necesario traducir al inglà ©s el certificado de matrimonio para su uso migratorio. La  traduccià ³n puede hacerla cualquier persona con un conocimiento fluido del inglà ©s y del otro idioma y se necesita certificar la traduccià ³n, lo cual puede hacerse siguiendo un modelo de carta. Autentificacià ³n de documentos de matrimonios celebrados en el extranjero Dependiendo del uso que se quiera dar dentro de Estados Unidos al certificado de matrimonio de celebrado en otro paà ­s es posible que se necesite una autentificacià ³n, que puede ser de dos tipos. En primer lugar, un sello que se conoce como  apostilla de la Haya. La mayorà ­a de los paà ­ses de habla hispana forman parte del Convenio de la Haya y ese sello es el que se necesita para legalizar el certificado de matrimonio que se desea utilizar en Estados Unidos. En segundo lugar, para los paà ­ses que no forman parte de este convenio ser necesario obtener una certificacià ³n de legalidad. Cabe destacar que, para trmites con el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), por regla general es suficiente una traduccià ³n certificada y no se exige la apostilla de la Haya.  ¿Bodas en embajadas y consulados  de EE.UU.? Ni los cà ³nsules ni ningà ºn oficial de las oficinas diplomticas de los Estados Unidos est autorizado para celebrar bodas en el extranjero. Por ello, sà ³lo en casos muy excepcionales es posible que un matrimonio tenga lugar en el edificio de una embajada o un consulado. Sin embargo, en algunos casos los consulados sà ­ que prestan un servicio necesario cuando algunos paà ­ses se exige por parte del contrayente extranjero una declaracià ³n jurada de que tiene la capacidad legal para contraer matrimonio. Este tipo de declaraciones se pueden prestar ante un oficial consular americano que tienen poder para actuar como notarios pà ºblicos en el extranjero. Traer al cà ³nyuge extranjero a vivir a Estados Unidos El matrimonio con un ciudadano americano o residente, por sà ­ solo, no da derecho a viajar a Estados Unidos ni a permanecer en el paà ­s para a vivir y trabajar. Si la intencià ³n del nuevo matrimonio es vivir en EE.UU, el cà ³nyuge estadounidense o el residente permanente debe pedir una tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio para su esposo o mujer y tambià ©n para los hijastros, si se cumplen condiciones estrictas de edad. Adems, los ciudadanos estadounidenses –pero no los residentes– tienen la opcià ³n de solicitar una visa K-3  para su cà ³nyuge y una K-4 hijos o hijastros en vez de seguir el proceso ordinario de peticià ³n de cà ³nyuge. En realidad estas son unas visas muy poco utilizadas y solo son convenientes cuando los plazos de tramitacià ³n de la peticià ³n ordinaria de la green card para cà ³nyuge de ciudadano son muy largos. En estos casos siempre es mejor estar aconsejado por un abogado migratorio. En los casos de cà ³nyuge extranjero fuera de EE.UU. y ciudadano o residente en los EE.UU. existe la tentacià ³n de que en vez de iniciar un proceso de peticià ³n de la green card el cà ³nyuge extranjero ingrese como turista a los Estados Unidos y luego solicitar un ajuste de estatus para obtener la green card. Esa opcià ³n no es la correcta desde el punto de vista migratorio y puede dar lugar a que no se le permita el ingreso al paà ­s y se le expulse en el puesto de control migratorio o, si consigue ingresar, no se le apruebe la peticià ³n de green card. Esto es asà ­ porque se puede considerar que ingresà ³ al paà ­s en fraude de ley al utilizar un estatus de turista cuando su intencià ³n era ingresar a EE.UU. para quedarse. En estos casos la intencià ³n es fundamental y es recomendable aconsejarse con un abogado para evitar problemas con el USCIS cuando se presente la solicitud de la green card. Finalmente, cabe destacar que en los casos en los que el  ciudadano  que desea traer a vivir a Estados Unidos a su esposo extranjero puede tener problemas muy particulares si el estadounidense siempre o en los à ºltimos aà ±os ha residido fuera de los Estados Unidos. El problema es que podrà ­a ser difà ­cil probar medios econà ³micos suficientes para patrocinar, tal y como lo pide la ley. Adems, para pedir los papeles se exige que el patrocinador resida o tenga como residencia principal los EE.UU. Condicionalidad de la green card En muchos casos, la green card que se obtiene por matrimonio con un ciudadano es condicional por dos aà ±os. Es lo que se conoce como CR-1. En estos casos se exige activamente levantar la condicionalidad.  Esto ocurre cuando la residencia se otorga antes de que la pareja lleve dos aà ±os de casados. Por el contrario, si el cà ³nyuge extranjero de un ciudadano obtiene su tarjeta de residencia despuà ©s de haber cumplido el segundo aniversario de casado su visa de inmigrante es una IR-1 y es definitiva, es decir, no necesita levantar ninguna condicionalidad. Matrimonios de conveniencia Las autoridades migratorias son conscientes de que a veces los matrimonios son una farsa y su à ºnico objetivo es obtener la green card. Cuando se llega a esa conclusià ³n puede haber consecuencias serias. Adems, durante la tramitacià ³n de los papeles puede suceder que se lleven a cabo investigaciones para intentar determinar si el matrimonio es real y siempre existe el riesgo de una denuncia anà ³nima sobre la finalidad del matrimonio. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples Para entender la green card, cà ³mo obtenerla, obligaciones, derechos, cà ³mo conservarla y cà ³mo es posible perderla por cancelacià ³n es importante tener los conocimientos bsicos.   Este test de respuestas mà ºltiples es muy aconsejable ya que el conocimiento evita meterse en problemas de los que luego es difà ­cil salir. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity Essay

Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity - Essay Example Its corrosion resistance nature and ability to be shaped easily makes it a perfect material for roofing materials and drink cans (Kaushish, 2010). On the other hand, its low-density nature makes it effective for making window frames and building greenhouses. Aluminum is also a good heat conductor. This aspect makes it perfect for making cookware, cookers and boilers. Additionally, aluminum is mostly used as overhead power cables due to its good conduction of electricity (International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures & Lau, 2011). Lastly, the high reflectivity nature makes aluminum ideal for making reflectors, mirrors and firefighting. There are two sources of aluminum namely bauxite and recycling. In this case, bauxite remains the most common material that is mostly used in producing virgin aluminum (Prashad, 2006). Common bauxite-producing nations include Guinea, Australia, Brazil, China and Jamaica. Australia tends to produce at least 2.5 times of bauxite than other nations. Recycling also remains an important aluminum source. Alumina prices tend to influence its demand and supply. Additionally, the electricity prices influences its demand and supply (Kaushish, 2010). China remains the biggest aluminum importers in the market. Aluminum supply and demand in China depends on consumer preferences in the product. Common factors affecting aluminum price elasticity include number of substitute’s products, switching costs between products, strength of the product, time allowed after change in prices and consumer’s income percentage that is allocated to the product expenditure (Schmitz, Domagala, & Haag, 2006). An alternative for aluminum is the magnesium alloys. In this case, magnesium has the potential of meeting its current demands for reliable and lighter construction. Magnesium is a perfect alternative since they have comparable specific stiffness (Prashad, 2006). They also have higher energy consumption and specific strengths, which enable

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Women in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women in the Workplace - Essay Example The essay "Women in the Workplace" talks the issue of gender parity that has been widely discussed throughout the planet. Women still face the situation when even being skilled go-getters, they simply cannot dream of the promotions for precise companies’ positions, while male employees make their way almost without effort.There are plenty of proofs for the absence of gender equality in the workplace. For instance, in the USA an average female earns about 80 cents for every dollar that male employee might earn. Another poor fact about the US: this country is in the list among Oman and Papua New Guinea that do not guarantee the support of maternity leave. The things are far from being positive not only in the US. In Canada, only about 14% of companies think of possibilities of female workers’ promotions, while only 7% have precise plans for that issue. In Japan about 18 months ago the government’s program for supporting the promotions of women was implemented. Howe ver, hitherto known among the Japanese business companies joined that issue.Definitely, the situation about women in the workplace is negative. The key reason for that fact has always been the issue of maternity leave. It was needless to promote a female because she would leave sooner or later. However, if there is an issue of gender equality, it should be kept, but not just spoken about. Females are more creative and opened towards various novelties, and this trait is assured of great consequence in the modern world of rapid changes.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Liesel's overcoming abandonment and loss in Markus Zusak's The Book Essay

Liesel's overcoming abandonment and loss in Markus Zusak's The Book Thief - Essay Example In the beginning of the story Liesel, her mother, and brother are travelling to Molching, Germany on a train. Liesel’s brother dies on route causing the family to stop and bury her younger sibling. Liesel must have felt abandoned by her younger brother. Despite his leaving in death, her brother left her. In order to cope with his death Liesel takes a book dropped by the gravedigger. The Gravedigger’s Handbook was picked up at her brother’s grave. It was a memento of the event. She could not read at the time, but Liesel had something tangible to touch that reminded her of the brother’s death. Liesel’s father had left the family unit before the narrative in the graveyard. She must have felt abandoned by him as well. After her mother left Liesel with foster parents, Hans and Rosa Hubermann, Liesel was left without any biological family. She had emotional issues that were displayed through stealing books. At a book burning, Liesel stole a book. After th e mayor’s wife, Ilsa Hermann, gave Liesel permission to take any book in her library, Liesel preferred to steal the books. While in the mayor’s house Liesel and Rudy, her friend, would also steal food as well. The compulsion to steal what is given shows that Liesel has serious emotional problems. The act of taking is more enthralling than the actual possession of something necessary or new. The act of taking books is also symbolic. Words created the world Liesel lived in. Hitler’s speeches and the Nazi rhetoric allowed the violence and abandonment that was Liesel’s world. The theft of words would be impossible, but the closest thing would be stealing books. Liesel’s theft of books from one of the richest people in town, the mayor and his wife, was also symbolic. If Liesel could steal the words from influential people, maybe she could change the world. Words changed the world, thus the theft of words might change the world. While this might not make logical sense; to Liesel it made perfect emotional sense. Liesel also used words to soothe others. She would read stories in the bomb shelters. Her voice calmed the panicked bomb shelter residents. After hearing her read in the bomb shelter Frau Holtzapfel, a neighbor, asks Liesel to read to her. Frau Holtzapfel would not go to the shelter due to her depression over her son’s death. Liesel persuades her to come to the shelter by threatening never to read to her again. The words written by others soothed Liesel and the others. Max Vandenburg, a Jew hidden by Liesel’s foster family, teaches Liesel how to express herself though writing. He writes Liesel two books. Max felt a fondness for Liesel due to the fact she stayed by his bedside when he was sick. She brought him gifts and laid them next to him. Liesel was like his guardian angel. The first story Max wrote was The Standover Man. This story was about people that stand over others watching out for them. Liesel had be en Max’s ‘stand over man’ during his sickness. Liesel slowly realizes that stand over men can be as important as family. Even if her family, foster family, or friends leave, Liesel will always have someone that cares. She learned how everyone has a person to look out for them. It did not necessarily have to be family. This helps alleviate a little of the pain. The book had a positive impact on Liesel. The second story was The Word Shaker. This book showed how the power of words could cause a situation like Nazi

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Optical Fibers

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Optical Fibers A light travels in straight lines as we know it is highly impossible to make it follow a curved path to glimmer around corners. In 1970s there was a great improvement and faster growing in fibre optics communications. The main idea of light in communication system is evolved from simple signal fires and lamps. Claude chappe has a first modern attempt in optical telegraph built in the 1790s.The first problem was alleviated with the advent of semiconductor age, the semiconductor laser invented by Theodore maiman in 1962 LED(light emitted diode) is improved in optical fibre which solved the problem o0f passing light through air. The communications through optical fibre was proposed in 1966 by Charles Kao and Charles Hockham of the standard telecommunication laboratory in England. In the past few decades many technologies are introduced among them optical fibre communication is the best communication system. The main components of optical fibre are core, cladding and coating. The main duty of core is, it carries a light from transmitter to receiver. Core: It is a smallest part in optical fibre communication system. It is very delicate optical fibre cable Generally it is made up of plastic or glass. The core made up with glass is mixed with pure silicon dioxide other impurities like germanium or phosphorous. These impurities are added to improve the refractive index at certain conditions The range of glass core is from 3.7 µ to 200 µ. 1.48 is the refractive index of core The core made with plastic is larger than glass. Cladding: It is the protective and surrounded layer of core. It provides the low reflective index. In glass cladding the core and cladding is made with same material Different quantity of impurities is added to both core and cladding in order to make a difference in refractive index among them is about 1%. 1.46 is the refractive index of cladding 125 µ and 140 µ are the standard cladding diameters Coating: This is the main protective layer for the entire optical fibre. It protects the optical fibre from shocks and other external damages. Coating has an outside diameter of either 250 µ or 500 µ. Coating is colour less but to identify the coating in some applications it is coloured. 2) Advantages of Fiber optics: The band width of optical fibre is very high when compared with other communications. To increase band width in fibre optics is very easy. Data transmission is very fast in fibre optics. We can transmit data to longer distances without any noise. It is very difficult to tap the information because it is much secured. 3) Disadvantages of Fiber optics: Installation of fibre optics is very cost. When we face any problem with fibre optics we require special test equipment. Communication with fiber optic cable is more cost when compared with different broad band connection costs. In rural areas fiber optic communications are very less, in these days this is one of the main disadvantage of fiber optic. 4) Fibre Optic Losses: Due to bending and breaking of optical fibre cables losses are occurred in fibre optics. Mainly there are two types. Intrinsic losses. Extrinsic losses. 4.1) Intrinsic losses: A slight variation from one fibre to another fibre even manufactured with in specified tolerances. Losses are occurred by these variations. In Intrinsic losses there are four types of losses. They are NA (Numerical Aperture) mismatch losses. Core diameters mismatch losses. Concentric mismatch losses. Elliptical mismatch losses. Cladding diameter mismatch loss. 1) NA (Numerical Aperture) mismatches losses: If there are two optical fibres are repaired we are connecting them with splices during this connection mismatches are occurred because the cone of acceptance in the receiving fiber cannot gather the complete light emitted by the transmitting fiber. This means the light is not travelling completely. This mismatch loss is known as numerical aperture mismatch loss. 2) Core diameter mismatch losses: The difference between the core diameters is the reason of this loss. When the transmitting core greater than the receiving core or transmitting core is lesser than the receiving core light is not completely travelling. This type of mismatch is called as Core diameter mismatch losses. 3) Concentric mismatch losses: In ideal conditions the core the core and cladding are concentric, that means a single geometric centre is shared between them. The fibre core is likely to be offset by a slight amount from the cladding centre. In fiber cores when the transmitting and receiving are non concentric. They will not meet exactly and the light coming from the transmitting fiber is lost. 4) Elliptical mismatch losses: If the fiber cores not the perfectly circular and fiber cores and cladding are not perfectly concentric this types of losses are occurred. The transmitting optical fiber core is not match with receiver core. 5) Cladding diameter mismatch loss. If the diameter of the cladding are not same on the both fiber optics. This type of mismatch is occurred. This means the transmitter light is not completely sending to receiver core. 4.2) Extrinsic losses: Generally in an ideal optical fibre the cores are centred on each other they are placed at 90 degrees angle to their faces. The ends should be in firm contact. Any miss arrangement in these conditions can cause some loses in the signal. There are three types of extrinsic losses. Lateral displacement. End separation. Angular misalignment. 1) Lateral displacement: If the centres of core of two optical fibers are do not match this loss may occur. If the displacement increases less light from the transmitting fiber makes its way into the receiving fibre. A little amount of displacement is acceptable in larger fibers because the majority of the core s surface area is still in contact. In smaller fibers a slight offset can place the centre of the transmitting core entirely outside of the receiver core. 2) End Separation: The end separation loss is due to Fresnel reflection, it takes place when the light passes from fiber refractive index into the air and vice versa. In refractive index each and every change causes an amount of reflected light and therefore the loss is occurred. 3) Angular Misalignment: The optical signal will suffer from these losses when the fibers meet an angle. The solution for this loss is to arrange the fibre end properly that the both ends are in the same line during splicing. 4.3) Major causes of losses: Absorption loss. Scattering loss. Linear scattering losses. Non Linear scattering losses. Coupler losses. Insertion losses. Reflection losses. Impurity losses. Macro bending and micro bending losses. Packing fraction loss. Absorption loss : Absorption loss is occurred by the impurities in the fiber it self such as water and metals. Material absorption losses: Material absorption losses are occurred by absorption of photons within the fiber these losses represent a fundamental minimum to the attainable loss. Intrinsic absorption losses: Interaction with more than one component with glass leads to the intrinsic absorption loss. Scattering loss: I couples energy guided to radiation modes which causes the energy losses from the fiber. If there is a core diameter irregularity in fiber access direction also a reason of scattering losses. Linear Scattering loss: The quantity of light power is transferred from wave is directly proportional to the power in the wave it also causes by inhomogeneties in the glass when the size of it smaller than wave length. Non linear scattering loss: If the electric field with in the fiber has high values then it leads to the presence of non linear scattering ,it also causes when significant power is scattered in all the directions. Coupler loss: The fiber optics coupler are active or passive devices the coupling loss in optical fiber is defined as, = output power =inputpower Connection losses increased by fiber to fiber connection due to the following sources of intrinsic and extrinsic. Mainly we have four types coupling losses 1.Reflectionlosses. 2.Fiber separation. 3.Fiber misalignment. 4.Fiber mismatch Insertion losses: Insertion losses are combination of coupling loss and additional fibre losses. If joints of fiber can increased the attenuation of fibre this is done in multimode operation. Fiber joints can leads to the second order mode in single mode fiber. Reflection losses: Light waves of reflection and transmission occur because frequency do not match the natural resonant frequencies of vibration of object. Impurity losses: The first source of impurities material in glass fibre is metallic ions, the loss due to this reduces the contribution below 1DB/KM. Macro and microbending losses: These loss may occur due to sharp bend in fibre, to produce high losses a short length of optical fibre is to be bend, as tight as the fibre optic the losses are worst. The major problem in macro losses is in the hands of the installer.The losses in micro bends is same as the macro bands but it just differs in the size and cause. The radius is equal or less then the diameter the outer layer will shrink and get shorter when the fibre is too cold, fibre optic cables are available with a range of temperatures from C to C. Macrobend Microbend Packing fractin losses: Single emitter sometimes uses a bundle of fibres, if claddings are in contacts many fibres are packed together. Large area source can match a large bundle in order to eliminate area mismatch loss. Small sources can emit less like than the larger once , in single fibre larger one has more power to couple into a bundle than into a single fibre. Fibre optic as a sensor: Sensor provide link to interface between the electronic units and physical world the sensor can detect physical and chemical qualities such as temperature, pressure, vibration, flow , acceleration, proximity,and chemical concentrations. A basic sensor is made upof a light source(laser or led), a length of fibre and optical detector. Fibre optic itself acts as a sensor by varying he intensity of light these measurements are done. Only the source and the detector is required in the sensors hence it is very simpler. Based on the performance characteristics there are four different types of sensors they are 1. Extrinsic sensors. 2. Intrinsic sensors. 3. Fibre bragg grating (FBG sensors). 4. Long period grating sensor. Extrinsic sensor: In extrinsic sensors the outside part of the fibre undergoes to the sensing effect. The fibre acts as a collection system in light delivery. For example a chemical sensor utilizes a sensitive material on the tip, light is passà © through the fibre and reflected back. In the chemical solution as the concentration changes the tip properties may change and the reflection of the light also changes which gives the measure of chemical concentration. Intrinsic sensor: In intrinsic sensor the changes takes place within the fibre. The change is outside the fibre and the fibre remains unchanged when the intrinsic sensor is in contract to extrinsic sensors. For example when a fibre with ruff surfaces is placed between two plates, the fibre is pressed by the plates when the pressure increases the attenuation of the fibre increases due to this. Bend and micro bend sensor: Bent in a optical fibre leads to a portion of propagating light beam along the bend is incident at angles must be smaller than the critical angle by which attenuation, this can be used for sensing measure load and stream are found by this mechanism, lose of power occurs if any load lead to a bending of fibre. This measure gives the distribution of strain and load with the use of lost power. A series of random bends and small bends along the fibre is known a micro bending. It acts as a coupling between cladding and core modes in a single mode fibre and between multimode fibre. Fibre bragg grating(FBG Sensor): TO MEASURE TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN: To measure sensing mechanical strain, temperature and acceleration we use FBG sensors. Parameters that changes any of these results in a change in reflected wavelength, these changes when measured, sensing or external perturbations can be done. Long period grating sensor: Periodic perturbations along the length of the fibre with periods greater than hundred micro meters which includes coupling between the light propagating in core and cladding is long period grating. Cladding code influence the power transmitter through the fibre used to find the refractive index when there is any change in the medium around the fibre. Interferometric sensors: # In this the light is transmitted through to fibres. one of them (reference arm) isolated from environment and its properties are constant. And another fibre (measure arm) is exposed to parameter during sensing. The face of the light is changed by the parameters. The interferometric sensors has the greatest sensitivity and it has highest performance capabilities. The Interferometric sensor. ( John F.R, 1997, pp-543). ADVANTAGES OF FIBRE OPTICS SENSORS: It allows an access to normally inaccessible areas of interest. It is an non-electrical. Due to small size and less weight of the sensors it effective in cost. It has high sensitivity. It has high reliability. It is very easy to install. Transmitter: Transmitter converts electrical signal into light signal. It has two functions Light emitter Regulator Light emitter: It works as a soirce of light coupled into optical cable. Regulator: It modulates the light to represent the binary data. Light emitting diode: The transmitter are directly modulate when the drive current passed through the LED is varied. The power is directly proportional to the current flowing in the LED. According to the applications the drive currents is measured. The drive current is switched on and off in digital applications. And the current is varied in Analog application. The LED transmitter is packed with the receiver since the space is reduced and simplifies the circuit designing which reduces the cost. Characteristics of the LED: Recommended operating conditions. Electrical characteristics Optical characteristics Data rate Recommended operating conditions: It describe the temperature and voltage ranges that device can operate in without damage. Without any fluctuations the maximum and minimum operating temperatures can be measured. Electrical characteristics: It describes.. the required supply current Data output voltages Signal detect output voltages Rise fall times Optical characteristics: It includes Minimum optical input power Maxcimum optical input power Operating wavelength

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Speech Com -- essays research papers

Attention getter: Have you watched the news lately? Even if you haven’t, you still probably have heard something about the disputes in and around Jerusalem. These disputes have been going on for centuries. Many different groups of people have fought to control Jerusalem over the years but we are going to focus on the current majority parties from today. From the information I found on and the Jerusalem Post, I concluded that the Israelis and the Palestinians are currently fighting over who should control Jerusalem and how it should be run. The major problems between these to groups started in 1948 when the British Mandate partitioned Palestine into separate Muslim and Jewish states. Now, Palestine is majority Muslim while Israel is mostly Jewish. Well, under the Mandate, Jerusalem was given to the Jews to control by the UN as a reimbursement for what their people went through during WWII. This made the Palestinians mad because their third holiest mosque is now in a fo reign run state. The Jews are mad because now they control the land but cant do what they want. They want to build a new Hebrew Temple of Solomon to replace the one that was destroyed a very long time ago. The big problem is is that the exact location of where they want to put the temple is in the exact location where the Muslim’s mosque is located. That’s not all they are fighting about however. They are also fighting about how Jerusalem should be governed. Israelis want to keep it free for all religion...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Siebel’s Critical Success

The definition of Customer Relationship Management is providing exceptional customer service. This entails rapid responses to all customer inquiries and demonstrations of active concern for customer satisfaction. CRM is a comprehensive sales and marketing approach to building long term customer relationships and improving business performance. It is a way of helping an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way. For example, an enterprise might build a database about its customers that described relationships in sufficient detail. The best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems include: 1) The ability to provide faster response to customer inquiries 2) Increased efficiency through automation 3) Having a deeper knowledge of customers 4) Getting more marketing or cross-selling opportunities 5) Identifying the most profitable customers 6) Receiving customer feedback that leads to new and improved products or services 8) Obtaining information that can be shared with the company's business partners. How Siebel's Critical Success Factors assists in the internal growth of the company and their competitive advantage. Siebel Systems enable organizations to create a single source of customer information that makes it easier to sell to, market to, and service customers across multiple channels, including the Web, call centers, field, resellers, retail, and dealer networks. This is done by providing a comprehensive family of multichannel eBusiness applications and services. Built on a proven, component-based architecture, Siebel eBusiness Applications are designed from the ground up to be completely Web-based, deliver support for multiple computing platforms, and provide automatic upgrades and software distribution that significantly reduce the total cost of ownership. By using the web Siebel use a common channel to market their wares which financial feasible, considering the amount of information they have to make available to existing and potential customers. The fact that one of their CSF's is to satisfy customers through any service channel, is an advantage that would benefit Siebel in terms of internal growth and competition. Since they have such a multiplicity of service channels incorporating many aspects of customer cohesion, they have a competitive edge over other companies offering the same services. How Siebel address it's clients needs – Siebel eBusiness Applications allow organizations to create a single source of customer information that makes it easier to sell to, market to, and service customers across multiple channels, including the Web, call centers, field, resellers, retail, and dealer networks. The multiplicity of the informative avenues that they provide is very compatible with whatever variety of customers they may come into contact with. – They provide support for all the major computing platforms including mobile clients, connected clients, thin clients, and handheld clients. – Create a single source of customer and product information that can be used to tailor product and service offerings to meet the unique needs of each customer across all channels of customer interaction – Deliver the only integrated, multichannel, Web-based configuration solution that is easy to use, deploy, and maintain Critical Success Factors of Claritas Claritas is a provider of marketing data. This data is arranged so that their customers can more easily initiate contact with customers in whatever field they choose to apply. Their users can target their own consumer needs so that the product or service they use can be tailored to fit the desired customer. The vast areas that their data covers i.e. trends, geographical locations and important events, ensures that they offer the best service possible for the service that they are offering which is a resource for marketing needs. This is a competitive advantage and as their clients speak of their efficiency to colleagues, this can only mean internal growth in favour of the company. Claritas addresses its clients needs by combining customer data with unique market information and insights enabling its clients to systematically identify, quantify, reach, and retain their most profitable customers. Their ways of doing this are by providing geodemographic information, qualitative audience research, and highly detailed data on advertising spending across all media. This is a main Critical Success Factor. It involves providing customers with all the information that is available and necessary to gain and retain customers. The service Siebel offers is providing comprehensive application software that can reach a plethora of customers by travelling through many avenues such as the Web, field, retail networks. This service can be improved by Claritas marketing data which can help direct Siebel's customers to choose the appropriate channel to reach the customers through. In layman terms, Claritas provides the information about the customers and Siebel provides the means in which to contact the customers. This can help both companies and allow them to mutually benefit from each other's strengths. What is a call centre infrastructure? The call centre is a central information point, which the rest of the company can use to gather data about the relationship between companies, products and customers. Murphy Brewery has 9,000 customers base. The problem with them is that their customers were presented with various points of contact within our organization without any one individual taking responsibility for a specific order, query, or request. Customers found that their requests and queries often went unresolved. This information was derived through conducting a self-commissioned survey. The solution was to establish a Customer Care service, i.e. a call centre, that would integrate all concerned information for any agent dealing with a customer. By understanding how customer trends are moving, a company can control the bases of their existence, their customers, and thus maintain a competitive edge over their rivals like Murphy Brewers. This relates to CRM because it is providing the best customer service possible by knowing the customer needs. Activity 2: A Power Analysis of your position Activity 3: Research Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Benchmarking. The definition of ERP is an attempt to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments' particular needs. It facilitates communication and enables information to be shared more easily. In the business sense for example, if an order is made, it can be done with all the information about the product or service being ordered available and by eliminating the need to go into different departments, it saves time. Benchmarking involves setting a baseline against what a company should have done or being doing to remain competitive. This follows certain criteria such as portability, flexibility, geographical application, facility of integration and facility of implementation. PeopleSoft run a client server architecture supporting Windows, cell phone technology (WAP), Unix, Linux and Macintosh. They are able to cater for industries, the federal government, Healthcare, manufacturing, Higher Education, Retail and Utilities. This shows an ability to tailor packages for almost any given enterprise. PeopleSoft can implement applications that can handle enterprises on a world wide basis.Facility of integration They offer an open integration platform to connect your enterprise to almost any form of enterprise which links to their application on worldwide basis. Facility of Implementation Their software can be easily implemented and installed if desired. PeopleSoft offers a complete packaged software solution for medium sized companies. Since 1987, they have built global enterprise application solutions that meet the changing business demands of organizations worldwide. Portablity The company whose ERP systems are being benchmarked is called SAP. Linux, WAP (Mobile phone communications) and Unix. Flexibility Offers custom made solutions and off the shelf industry solutions. Geographical application Supports global e-commerce, allowing the organisation to trade world wide with their systems. Facility of integration All major departments can be integrated into a large software solution. Facility of implementation Support provided after the software package has been purchased by a company. Activity 4: Profiling a Strategic team: Executive EQ test The company mission statement appears to be the best British garden magazine. They aspire to become the leading focus of expertise in garden designing, house decoration and culinary worldwide. For example, the service of providing gardening lessons through the Internet could be offered, and eventually they would expand into other educational areas. They seek to explore other medium attaining international coverage. A means of doing this could be by using SPY IN THE SKY services enabling HiMAC to take aerial photos of any garden and sell specialised tours. This would serve as a means to provide course over the Internet. This involved aligning financial activities and reports for all titles. In terms of business change, they proposed to have a team solely devoted to dealing with customer queries. They recognised the need for the customer base to expand in order to deal with a greater diversity of customers. They noted some supplier that could help the primary set up of computer based courses as a support if HiMAC took up more educational courses for other organisations. There was a recognition for the need of some departments to receive training for these new technologies. The accounting functions needed to be integrated into one single report. The decision to copy the model of an Internet based course from SurferTeaching Company was both good and bad. It was good in the sense that by copying, it reduced labour content with less work being involved than if one was innovative. It also provided less work by speeding up processes. It was bad in the sense that by copying another practice, it might not have been tailored for HiMAC as a specific company and thus caused problems like internal division. By not being specifically tailored for their company, its design would not cater for their CSF, goals and objectives. Secondly, the practice may carry inherent imperfections which HiMAC might not recognise and breed into their companies thus bringing new issues to consider.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Technological Disaster of the Titanic essays

The Technological Disaster of the Titanic essays The sinking of the Titanic was the first major technological disaster of the twentieth century. What went wrong? Could this tragedy have been avoided? Today, in the 21st century with ever-advancing technologies, we've been able to solve many of the mysteries of the sinking of the Titanic. With newly discovered information, we can explore the specifics of why the world's most famous "unsinkable" ship helplessly sank below the surface of the freezing cold Atlantic Ocean in April of 1912. Human neglect had to play a huge role in this event. And in that case, why? I will be analyzing these ideas about articles read in class throughout the paper. In the article, Technological Momentum, Hughes suggests that technology is shaped by society. I believe this stands true in the case of the Titanic. The fact that an inadequate number of lifeboats road on the Titanic because of the desire for glass-enclosed observation lounges, suites, and palm courts for wealthy travelers is an example of this. The technology for more lifeboats was there but was not used because of society's desire not to use them. The boat itself (technology) was designed to hold the riches people on the planet (society). Its grand facilities included a swimming pool, a squash court, and a Turkish bath, among other things. This shows how technology (Titanic) is shaped by society. Society was then shaped by technology when the technology failed. If anyone of the numerous actions that could've saved the ship would have taken place, then part of society wouldn't have perished that day, and the rest of society wouldn't have mourned that next morning and there on out. We would've then never learned the invaluable things we did because of this tragedy. In response to Berry's question, "even if we can build it, should we build it," in my opinion. Generally, the answer to this is yes. Granted, there are times when the consequences of creating something out-weigh the benef...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unemployment Essay

Unemployment Essay Free Online Research Papers Each society has some factors that hinder its improvement. Unemployment is one of them that can prevent a society to be perfect or somehow a utopia. Unemployment can cause two major negative effects on society, which are poverty and crime. These two factors can make fundamental problems for society. When unemployment is widespread in a society, there would be no money gained, so the people of that society would be poor and poorer. Not only they get poor, but also they will face some other difficulties. For example, an unemployed, married man cannot afford his family expenses, so that would be the beginning of a depression, quarrel, and other disorders in the family. Poverty gives them a feeling of being inferior to others, so they will lose their self-esteem, which is more dangerous than the hunger they tolerate. The unemployed person will come to the conclusion that he is a nonentity in the world! This poverty itself is a cause itself; it can cause people to commit a crime. Crime is sometimes is done because or the poorness of a person who wants something which he cannot afford. When the pocket is empty and living in a megapolis is costly, those who are not virtuous resort to a way of gaining money, which is not righteous, such as stealing others’ possessions, murdering others for being paid, or even having a hostage in order to have ransom. Some others start smuggling gas, drugs, or other things which are illegal in a country. Poverty and crime are considered as major effects of unemployment in society. We can regard it as a very beginning cause of disorders in a society in different forms. It can make the unemployment of a society depressed, having a lack of self-esteem, and useless. Malnutrition, divorce, crime are other effects of this devilish phenomenon which is called unemployment. Research Papers on Unemployment EssayHas the British Welfare System beenThe Broken FamilyCauses of the 2008 Financial CrisisPoverty, Violence and Conflict How are they Related?Jim Crow Law EssayBiological, Strain, Radical Theory EssayThe Obama Presidency EssaySociology EssayThe Colour PurplePlastic Surgery Essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Literature Review - Essay Example After a thorough review of primary and secondary sources, their investigation revealed a difference between the decisions of budget cutback and information technology. Cost effectiveness was found to be an important criterion for making the decisions of budget cutback. These decisions took lesser time to be made and were quite volatile in their nature i.e. may alter with time. Here, number of participants was not affected by the content of decision. Contrary to this, cost effectiveness was found unimportant in the decisions of information technology, time consumed in decision making was longer and once made, decisions were generally permanent. This tells that the content of decision can have a great impact on the significance of various criteria, time consumed in the decision making process and the stability of decision. This finding contradicts the conventional understanding that cultivates in the minds of people regarding the factors that affect the process of decision making. In t he conventional understanding, the process of decision making is only controlled by the contingencies originating in the environment and the organization. 2. In his research, Nutt (2005) compared the decision making in the public sector with that in the private sector with the help of an experiment. To achieve this, decision making in a business company was compared with that in a governmental agency that was supported with tax. Practices and preferences of mid level managers were captured with the simulation in the public and private sectors. Managers involved in the study were required by simulation to estimate the risks and opportunities of acquiring budgets for the two sectors. In order to design the budget that would be sufficient for an organization functioning in a public and private sector, a cognitive culture was used which placed emphasis on the estimation and bargaining. A controversial and otherwise amount of budget was used for both the cases. Results of their research suggested that managers in public sector make use of networking and bargaining while those in the private sector make use of estimation and assumption. These results were consistent with the hypothesis that public sector managers prefer group decision making whereas private sector managers believe in individualistic capabilities. The research concluded that managers go for budgets that suit their individualistic cognitive style. The difference in the support of budget decisions in the public and private sector managers essentially speaks of the work culture that dwells in the two types of settings. Most works in public sector are done through networking and bargaining, whereas in the private sector, one has to rely on one’s ability and assessment to make the rational decisions. 3. In his research, Al Yahya (2008) studied an integrative multiple links model among three traits, namely the sharing of power-influence in making the decisions, work-related outcomes (WRO) and cultur e of Saudi Arabian organizations belonging to the public sector. These conceptual associations have not been explored much in the public sector organizations conventionally. Traits of competence as knowledge, ability and skill are used effectively in the participative practices as shown by the model of structural equation. This influences individuals’ thoughts about WRO that include but are not limited to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Country project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Country project - Term Paper Example Further, its poor political dynasty with dominant interest groups and shifting policies to cater for the politically dominant interest groups is reflected on investor’s behavior. At microeconomic level, investors portray a pervasive conduct on both exogenous and policy generated economic risks in relation to income and property. The political-economic has multiple structural vulnerabilities and weakness in their governance (Praeg 86). From time immemorial, Ethiopian economy is controlled by elite kings, usually described as slavery in modern world (Clarke 97-101). Private ownership of lands had never been heard of until 1970’s, with inequitable land holdings of the country under the slogan, ‘Land to The Tiller† where the state ended up owning lands itself instead of giving it to the people. Though the state controls land ownership, rural peasants and pastoralists are guaranteed a lifetime of â€Å"holding right†, while urban residents are guaranteed the right to get land for residence for 99 years lease based; these rights gives all rights to the people of Ethiopia except sale and mortgage right. However, from 1974 during the fall of emperor Hailesilassie, land remained public property despite earlier socialist oriented military government to make land property of the people and not the state. At the moment, Ethiopian economic growth is estimated to remain strong in year 2015 under the Growth and Transformation Plan. This plan aims at boosting agriculture as the heart of the country economic growth, promoting industrial development and aiding development of quality infrastructure. However, corruption is a key issue in Ethiopia. Historical background of economic policies reflects centuries of internal conflicts and external threats. Internally, varying customs, religions, and ethnicity served as focal points in the contest for power and control of economic resources (Adejumobi 187). Externally, regardless the fact that the country has